Flash Code

Current Product •
Fast, Simple, Accurate, and Painless Coding!
MCCS LLC a division of PMIC
Free ICD Coding
Software Specific Questions:
#3 Why are no dollar amounts listed for some CPT/HCPCS codes?
Flash Code contains the official government fee tables for these reimbursement types:
------Resource Based Relative Value System (RBRVS)
------Durable Medical Equipment (DME)
------Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (PEN)
------Laboratory Services
------Medicare Part B ASP Drugs (desktop only)

For medicare payments, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) determines which codes are eligible for reimbursement. Not all codes are reimbursed under the umbrella of the above fee tables. When this occurs, reimbursement is determined at the local carrier's discretion.


"No Info" or "More Info" may be displayed in addiiton to a $0.00 fee amount.

No Info indicates there are no fee or supportive info. provided. 

More Info indicates there are no fees associated but may provide a status to describe a reason for this.


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