Reset a Password that you have forgotten

Please follow these steps if you wish to perform a PASSWORD RESET.

1) From the Login screen please click the "Forgot Password" Link

2) A PASSWORD RESET page will display. Enter your login email address, then click "Submit"

3) An email from will be sent to you

     -It will contain a link to a password reset page

     -The link will be active for 24 hours

4) Click the link to view the Password Reset page where you will:

     -Enter and Confirm the Password you wish to use.

     -A confirmation message will appear with successful password resets

5) Click the LOGIN link, then enter your Login and new password to access Flash Code


Update a Password that you know

When you purchase a subscription to Flash Code a password is assigned to your account.

Please follow these steps if you wish to change your password to a new one:

     1) LogIn to Flash Code

     2) Click the Options link in the Header Bar (it's on the top right of each page)

     3) Enter and Confirm the New Password you wish to use

The new password will be required the next time you Login to Flash Code


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