
NCCI Edit Detail

The National Correct Coding Inititative (NCCI or CCI) edits can be viewed by clicking on any active CCI edit button.

1. A code that has CCI edits will have an active button. Click it to display the edits for that code.
The detail view as seen below for CCI edits includes two columns. The code you are viewing (in this case code 12001) serves as the reference point for the NCCI information:

1. Toggle between viewing your code in the Column 1 or Column 2 position

2. Any code that creates an edit pair is displayed here, along with information about its status, administrative explanation, modifier use, and description

3. To activate a Quick Check, which provides a summary of any listed edit pair, click the code link.

4. Then number of codes that make an edit pair for your reference code is listed here.