Flash Code

Current Product •
Fast, Simple, Accurate, and Painless Coding!
MCCS LLC a division of PMIC
ICD-9 to ICD-10 • We are Transition Ready
Free ICD Coding

When can I bill ICD-10 codes?
The ICD-10 code implementation date has been delayed twice:


The first proposed date of October 1st, 2013 was delayed one year by CMS to October 1st, 2014.


The second proposed date of October 1st, 2014 was delayed to October 1st, 2015.

     -This delay was included with bill H.R. 4302 Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014 (The SGR or "Doc Fix" bill)


If this new date is enacted (no additional delays after further study and debate regarding the impact of its implementation) it will mean the following:


ICD-10 codes must be used for Dates of Service on October 1st, 2015 as follows:
     -For all outpatient claims provided on or after this date
     -For all inpatient stays with a discharge date on or after this date

When will Flash Code contain the ICD-10 codes?
ICD-10-CM/PCS codes have been available in Flash Code since October 2013. This provides our users with an opportunity to become familiar with this new code set now. Industry groups such as the AAPC and AHIMA project that between 16-24 hours of training may be all that is necessary.

What will the ICD-10 codes look like in Flash Code
ICD-10 codes contain up to 7 characters, our navigation buttons will reflect this.
We will allow dual searches along with side-by-side views of ICD-9 & ICD-10 codes.
Forward and Reverse crosswalks between ICD-9 to ICD-10 are a simple mouse click.
ICD-10-PCS codes can be constructed easily with our Code Builder function.

What will happen to the ICD-9 codes after October 1st, 2015?
Although the ICD-9 codes will not be updated after this date, they will be included in Flash Code at least until October 1st, 2017 in order to provide reference when submitting codes during the immediate transition period or for reviewing old claims

Where can I learn more about the ICD-10 codes and the upcoming transition?   

     -Here are a few myths and facts that may prove helpful moving forward
     -Additional ICD-10-CM/PCS Myths and Facts from the Centers for Medicare and

    Medicaid Services (CMS).

    -The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) ICD-10 site


Do you have more questions about ICD-10?
Please contact us at 800.711.7873.

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